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I have bed bugs! What can I do?
Bed bugs are a rapidly growing problem in the United States, and one that most people are unprepared for. The number one cure for bed...

Interesting Bug Facts
An adult female flea bites up to 400 times a day. Some ants can lift 20 times their own body weight. Adult lice can live up to 30 days on...

10 Easy Tips to Prevent Mice and Rodents Inside the Home
Almost all homeowners know the feeling of unease that accompanies finding mice or rodents in your home. Whether in the kitchen, attic,...

Zika Virus: Did You Know?
Zika was first discovered in 1947. Zika, doesn’t infect the same mosquitoes as West Nile virus (the Culex species spreads West Nile)....

Summer’s Most Dangerous Pests
Top Three Insects to Avoid this Season Most people consider Memorial Day Weekend to be the unofficial start to summer, but in the pest...

Keeping Kitchens Pest-Free
Kitchens have always been a gathering place in the home; however, there are some unwelcome visitors homeowners would rather not gather in...

Why You Should Avoid Handling Rodent Problems Yourself
Rodent infestations can cause major headaches to homeowners. When you have an infestation on hand, tackling the issue on your own with a...

Buzz Off: How to Protect Yourself From Stinging Insects
Important Tips to Stay Safe Outdoors Stinging insects such as yellowjackets, wasps and hornets send more than 500,000 people to the...

10 Steps to Keep Your Pets Pest-Free
Pets As a pet owner, you know it is important to provide your pet with regular exercise, a nutritious diet and lots of love and...

Buyers Beware: The importance of a wood-boring pest inspection when buying a home
When prospective buyers tour a new home, they tend to focus on the cosmetic updates they’ll need to make if they purchase the house. From...

Boxelders: What are they?
Boxelder bugs, named for the maple and seed-bearing boxelder trees on which they feed and lay eggs during the warmer months, often become...

Why are insects attracted to light?
Why are insects attracted to light? You don’t have to be a pest control professional to know that insects are attracted to light. Just...

Who Else Has Been Eating My Cereal?
Noticed any small beetles crawling on your counters or worse in your cereal? Pantry pests usually go unnoticed in the home until there is...

The Truth about Brown Recluse Spiders
When most people think of spiders that can pose a threat to humans, they probably think of the black widow, which is infamous for its red...

Ants: What You Should Know
Trouble distinguishing an ant from a termite? This can be difficult because termites and ants do look very similar, especially during the...

Termites: Fun Facts
Termites love to eat wet, moldy wood. Termites build their nests in the ground and in walls. Termites have six legs (three pair on each...

Carpenter Ants: Silent Destroyers
Did you know that there are more than 700 species of ants in the United States? In fact, ants are the number one nuisance pest in the...

The Black Widow: Facts about the world's most venomous spider
Black widow spiders are the creatures of scary stories told on Halloween night – deadly females that kill and eat the males and who are...

Termites: Attic Monsters
Subterranean Termites, who have been in existence for millions of years, reside within colonies underground in moist secluded areas....

Insects and Bugs: Fun Facts
A slug has four noses. The mayfly only lives for 8 hours. A snail can sleep for 3 years straight. A mosquito flaps its wings 500 times a...
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